1.Distant water can't put out a nearby fire, and a distant relative is not as helpful as a close neighbor.
2.He wasn't uncle to any of us; he was merely married to a distant relative of our parents' generation.
3.Roger: Well, for immediate family you do. My great aunt was kind of a distant relative, so the company won't pay for the hours.
4.A distant relative found her and put her in a taxi back to Croix des Bouquets, where she has nothing, she said.
5.The researchers hope that the synchrotron ultimately supplies what used to be impossible-to-get details about our distant relative.
6.Perhaps a distant relative you haven't seen in a while will come by for a visit or will give you a phone call.
7.According to an old Chinese saying, a distant relative is less likely to help you out than a near neighbor.
8.the red panda is only a very distant relative of the giant panda.
9.The pair lured Franks, a neighbor and distant relative of Loeb's, into a rented car.
10.He stayed with a distant relative in Kawasaki and shared apartments with another five who also came from China.